Glenside Ecological Services Limited
Consulting Services
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Glenside brings together the skills and resources required for ecology based project; utilizing a diverse array of field techniques and drawing on a network of professional associates. Services and techniques provided by Glenside include the following:
Habitat Classification
Glenside personnel are Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) certified in evaluating terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Specifically:
- Ecological Land Classification (MNRF certified);
- Vegetation and soil type identification;
- Wetland Evaluations for provincial or regional significance using the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (MNRF certified);
- Benthic macroinvertebrate community sampling, thermal stability;
- Stream and lake fish habitat assessments (MNRF certified);
Population Censuses
Glenside conducts inventories to determine species richness, distribution, presence/not detected, and relative/absolute abundance. Techniques utilized include:
- Targeted Species at Risk inventory;
- Small mammal live trapping;
- Songbird/amphibian point counts and spot mapping, location by call playback;
- Bat recording and spectrogram analysis;
- Track, scat and sign identification;
- Area sweeps, transects and aerial surveys;
- Nest searching and identification (waterfowl, raptors, songbirds).
Wildlife Capture and Handling
For many research projects it is often necessary to capture and immobilize wildlife species for marking purposes. Glenside offers expertise in the following techniques:
- Small mammal live trapping;
- Tangle netting (phocid seals, sea otters, turtles, waterfowl) and decoy trapping (waterfowl);
- Immobilization and tranquilization;
- VHF transmitter implanting and collaring, satellite tagging;
- Banding, ear tagging, flipper tagging.
Field Physiology and Sampling
Field physiology provides valuable insight into the ecology of our natural environment. Investigative techniques utilized by Glenside include:
- Blood sampling and biopsies;
- Otolith sampling and identification, tooth collection for age estimation by cementum analysis;
- Morphometric measurements, necropsy reports;
- Scat and stomach content analyses;
- DNA analysis.
Animal Behaviour
Glenside has conducted the following animal behaviour studies:
- Individual habitat use patterns, using radio telemetry and tracking;
- Activity budgets, using focal animal observations, scan sampling, etc.;
- Foraging behaviour, dietary composition;
- Parental investment, reproductive behaviour;
- Mating systems, social behaviour.
2490 Horseshoe Lake Road, Minden, Ontario K0M 2K0
Tel: 705-286-3181 | | Web: